Sorry, Surrey: City gets lousy grades in new quality of life report

Dec 19 2017, 8:20 pm

When it comes to the quality of life for residents in Surrey, the grades are in, and, sadly it looks like the city has some homework to do.

Results of a study commissioned by the Surrey Board of Trade and SurreyCares shows the densely populated suburb is not exactly on the honour roll with a report card made up of seven C and four D+ grades. Ouch. Sorry, Surreyites.

The “satisfactory” C grades were earned for Health & Well-being, Learning, Getting Started, Arts & Culture, Environment, Economy & Work, and Belonging & Leadership. D+ grades were for Standard of Living, Safety, Housing, and Getting Around. Overall, Surrey barely passes with a C.


Crime remains one of Surrey’s most pressing concerns, although residents and civic leaders can be glad to know there has been a positive impact from crime prevention programs, and there is more awareness regarding crime in the city.

The list of things to improve in Surrey is, admittedly, lengthy, and ranges from eliminating overcrowding in schools to protecting trees and other green spaces.

Before getting too glum about the grades, the report also points out the top 10 things to celebrate about Surrey, which include the parks, festivals and events, locally grown food, and the community’s diverse cultures. Luckily, this gives Surrey’s “Super Sweet” number one fan plenty to keep singing about.

Featured image: CDP Photography Canada

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