Regional District approves proposal to build 950 homes on Southlands farmland

Dec 19 2017, 6:41 pm

Metro Vancouver regional district’s board of mayors and councillors have approved a controversial proposal to build 950 homes on farmland in Tsawwassen.

Century Group submitted a plan to develop a 20 per cent of the 537-acre Southlands farmland, home to the historic Spetifore farm. The remaining 80 per cent will be given to the Municipality of Delta for agricultural, conservation and recreational uses.

Southlands Proposal: Before and After


Earlier this morning, the elected board approved the plan in a 93-31 vote, despite concerns and opposition voiced not only by locals and environmentalists but also the regional district’s own staff recommendations.

The ‘yes’ vote permits the regional district to change its urban containment boundary and the regional land use designation to make way for the development. The Municipality of Delta has already green lighted the plan, but final approval from the regional district was also needed.

Critics have stated that it sets a dangerous precedent for the region’s highly protected agricultural reserve. Vancouver city councillors were amongst those who voted against the plan, saying it could cause speculation on other agricultural parcels.

Southlands is located just north of Point Roberts, USA and south of Boundary Bay Regional Park.


Featured Image: Save The Southlands

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