The phrase “What a time to be alive” is used to describe everything from truly amazing breakthroughs in science and technology to funny memes and GIFs of dogs. (And all of those examples are equally valid, by the way.)
It’s 2018, and the future is weird and wild. For every day or development that makes you want to turn yourself into a blanket burrito and spend a weekend binge-watching sitcoms (no judgments here), there’s something that fills you with light and, dare we say it, hope.
This is one of those times. REESE has just announced that Canadians can now enjoy REESE Miniatures Stuffed with Pieces. Because it’s 2018, and this is what our society is all about.
If you missed the putting-candy-inside-of-more-candy-which-itself-is-stuffed-with-peanut-butter-because-why-not news last year, REESE previously pulled this off with their Big Cup Stuffed with Pieces, which changed the Canadian candy game by offering a big REESE’s cup, stuffed with pieces.
(Naming things is more of an art than a science.)
But if you’re the type of person/coward who can’t fit a palm-sized block of chocolate-on-peanut butter goodness into their schedule (ain’t nobody got time for that, etc.), the newest iteration of the stuffed cups are miniature, individually-wrapped, and perfect for a snack, rather than a meal.
Not only that, the new mini cups are perfect for sharing, which is pretty much mandatory when you roll into the office with an unopened bag of REESE treats. This isn’t just about snacking anymore; it’s about diplomacy.
If you want to be ahead of the snack game in your social circles, now’s the time to introduce yourself (and everyone in your good graces) to REESE Miniatures Stuffed with Pieces.
What a time to be alive.