Remembering Queen Elizabeth's most lighthearted moments during her reign

Sep 9 2022, 3:47 pm

People around the world are mourning the death of Queen Elizabeth II, and some are remembering her by looking back on her most lighthearted moments over the years. 

From her heartwarming smile to her endearing character, we have been spoiled on numerous occasions by Her Royal Highness. 

The Royal Family posted a compilation of her funniest moments, and fortunately, there is an abundance for us to remember her by. 

This has to be one of the more wholesome moments, as she joined Paddington Bear for a Platinum Jubilee clip.

We all remember the infamous moment when she cracked a joke about the weight of her own crown.

“You can’t look down to read the speech. You have to take the speech up, because if you did, your neck would break!”

The Queen even made an appearance with Daniel Craig of James Bond.

“Good evening, Mr. Bond,” she said, ever so eloquently. 


Her Royal Highness certainly had a sense of humour and didn’t shy away from cracking a joke in conversation with Sir David Attenborough.

“Sounds like President Trump,” she said, as helicopters interrupted her conversation.

Queen Elizabeth also had a smile that we won’t soon forget.

Alessia Pierdomenico/Shutterstock

Known for her poise and grace, there was no shortage of candid moments, either. 

Perhaps one of the more endearing things about The Queen was her great admiration for her corgis. 

The Queen is seen poking fun at photographers during her Diamond Jubilee Tour.

Shaun Jeffers/Shutterstock

There was no shortage of memorable moments.


Safe to say, Queen Elizabeth II had a special place in the heart of many and will be dearly missed. 

Itai BuenahoraItai Buenahora

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