Quatchi & Miga Pimp Out Samsung Phones @ Pacific Centre

Dec 19 2017, 12:01 pm

Quatchi and Miga realize that there are only two more solid months in which they can milk their celebrity for free stuff. Case in point on any given day you’ll see an Olympic apparel (from the Bay of course) clad Quatchi walking down Robson Street, drinking coke, eating a McDonald’s cheeseburger all the while talking on his brand spanking new Samsung phone on his way to deposit a wad of cash at RBC.

Hell Quatchi has become so famous Paris Hilton wants to sleep with his furry ass. Okay she’ll sleep with just about anything, but that didn’t stop Sumi from joining in on some three way fun. Now has anyone seen the lovable Mukmuk.

Keep pimpin’ while you still can fella’s because in a few months you’ll be under a bunch of plush Domo’s and Hello Kitty’s.

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