Positive Changes for BC Craft Beer

Dec 19 2017, 3:03 pm

The Campaign for Real Ale Society of British Columbia welcomed the revisions to the province’s liquor laws announced by Minister Rich Coleman on Friday. It’s anticipated that these changes will further boost the current boom in Vancouver’s (and BC) craft brewing scene that has given consumers significantly more locally-produced products to choose from.
BC wineries have been permitted tasting rooms, event areas, and even restaurants for some time. Now that breweries are allowed the same opportunity, this will make it easier for them to reach new customers and spur growth in craft beer tourism.
CAMRA BC hopes to see other privileges afforded wine, like BYOB and the relaxing of inter-provincial trade restrictions, extended to craft beer.
“We also had concerns regarding the relaxing of tied-house regulations and submitted these to the government during the comment period”, said CAMRA BC President, Rick Green. “We are pleased to see that the revisions are measured and should help protect, if not improve, consumer choice.”
With a Canadian beer market significantly dominated by multinational industrial brewers, CAMRA BC is concerned that the simplifying of rules around how these companies can promote their products in bars and restaurants will result in greater anti-competitive activity.
CAMRA BC chapters will be monitoring developments to ensure that small breweries are not locked out of hospitality establishments or unfairly denied prime product placement in stores.
The Campaign for Real Ale Society of British Columbia is an independent, voluntary, consumer organization. Incorporated in 1985, it is dedicated to the promotion and responsible consumption of natural, craft beers. With chapters in Vancouver, Victoria, and the Fraser Valley, CAMRA BC advocates for consumer rights, promotes education, and supports community.

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Image: Brewedfw