Weekly App Pick: Save it for later with Pocket

Dec 19 2017, 11:06 pm

There’s an overwhelming amount of apps out there (approximately 1.3 million for Android users and 1.2 million in Apple’s app store with around 75 billion downloads and 300 million views a week). But how do you know which ones to download? Which ones are worth paying for? How to differentiate between Google and Apple maps? Airbnb or Hotel Tonight? Tinder or Bumble? We’re in search of answering these questions and each week we’ll be bringing you our weekly app pick.


There’s nothing worse than the plight of short-term amnesia over something that briefly catches your interest on the Internet and then is gone a moment later. With Pocket you don’t have to worry about remembering what that article or funny video was you were saving for later because the app does it for you. The short-term bookmarking app syncs across all devices, so users can put away articles, videos and more.

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Saving items to Pocket is simple. Whether you’re perusing the Internet for interesting articles or a funny video that you want to watch later, hit the menu button and select the share option to save the page to Pocket. Save directly from your browser or from apps like Twitter, Flipboard, Pulse and Zite.

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Pocket is integrated into over 500 applications, across both popular and select platforms offering something for every user. One of the reasons Pocket is so great and accessible is because it operates on an open API. This allows both users and developers to create their own applications and integrate Pocket into them.

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One of Pocket’s most compelling features is that users can access most saved items without Internet access. The offline caching feature is perfect for users who save on the go and want to access their information in no Wi-Fi zones. The app great for travel, commuting or business trips, where Wi-Fi areas are in shorter supply.

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Like all worthwhile apps, Pocket is intuitive. Pocket automatically organizes your saved items into categories. The app displays your saved items in a simple layout, highlighting your best and most relevant content. Pocket also has sharing capabilities across multiple platforms so you can easily send your articles or videos to friends, Facebook, Twitter, Evernote, and more.

Why you should download it

The accessibility. One of the greatest features of the app is how accessible it is across multiple platforms. Pocket seamlessly transitions from Android to iOS, to web browsers, tablets and more marking it as a top rated productivity app on Android and iOS. No matter where you are or what you are doing, this app makes sure you’ve always got something in your back pocket.

iOS App Store | Google Play Store | Kobo | Desktop

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