Pineapple Express Rakes In a Cool $40 million

Dec 19 2017, 11:39 am

Since Opening on Wednesday Aug 6, The Stoner comedy starring Vancouverite Seth Rogen and James Franco raked in $40.5 million. During the opening weekend it ended up in the number 2 spot, behind, you guessed it the juggernaut that is “The Dark Knight”.

Pineapple express looks like it’s well on its way to $100 million domestically. Not too shabby. With this recent success will Seth and Evan be compelled to write Superbad 2? The Urban Dweller sure as hell hopes so ”chika chika yeah”, although the possibility of Pineapple Express 2 is more likely.

After the lackluster blogging by our other contributors this weekend The Urban Dweller promises more content, as he has sent his bill collector after the collective asses of The Suburban Don, The Schwab, Money J Skeets and that fucktard Vancity Maverick. Developing…

Note: I realize that The Schwab has done a post recently, you know the one he jacked from TSN and did they old cut and past. Genius.

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