Pillow Fight Day Vancouver 2013

Dec 19 2017, 3:13 pm

On April 6, hoards of people around downtown Vancouver will be carrying pillows and embarking on their final destination at the Vancouver Art Gallery (Robson Street side) for International Pillow Fight Day. Last year a hundred or so individuals came out, this year organizers are expecting more.

Pillow Fight Vancouver 2013


Saturday, April 6, 2013
3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: Vancouver Art Gallery along Robson Street


1. “Don’t talk about [Pillow] Fight Club!”
2. Don’t be in location until the exact minute.
3. Hide your pillows.
4. Rush in screaming “PILLOW FIIIIIIGHT!!!!!”
5. After 15 mins of excruciating fun, leave.
6. Stay off the road and sidewalk (don’t make this a police issue).
7. Do NOT hit anyone without a pillow! (This includes, but not limited, to people with cameras, bystanders, civic authorities and cars, use common sense!!)
8. “If this is your first [time] at [Pillow] Fight Club, you have to fight.”

Volunteers requested for clean up; we want to do it again next year.

No one knows why, or for whom, but only that it ‘just happens’. The message goes to all the good vibe people you know.

Special: Thank you to the hundreds of loyal mobbers out there for keeping this event alive after seven years. This event has gone on well before it became a worldwide movement. The Vancouver community can be proud to be one of the founding voices in the initial push of the International Pillow Fight Day. So once again, thank you.

Additional things to consider:

1) CLEAN UP – Please please read.
The City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Police have had to take a more stern stance on events following the Stanley Cup riots. In an effort to keep this event alive and well for another seven years we need to show responsibility in reducing our impact to the site.

Over the last eight years we have sadly watched many cities (and even countries) ban flash mobs. In Vancouver, we have a well standing history with the city to allow social events like this to happen, but only if we can stay in control. This means cleaning up after ourselves.
– Put a garbage bag into your back pocket and stay afterwards.
– Gloves and handheld brooms work well for the little bits.
– Stay off the street.
– Leave a space for pedestrians to get by.

2) Glasses – this should go with out saying but in a few other cities last year it was commented on. Take them off if you don’t want them broken.

3) Soft pillows.

4) Show restraint. We’ve seen more and more children show up at these events. Please consider who you’re facing off against and use common sense.

Image: By Mark Klotz

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