Poll: Canada among many nations who have lost confidence in Trump

Aug 22 2017, 10:04 pm

Not many nations are currently confident in US President Donald Trump.

According to a poll by US-based Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world, Canada was among 18 nations to show a major loss of confidence in Trump.

When polled about how much confidence they have in Trump regarding world affairs, Mexico tops the list by having 93% of respondents showing no confidence in Trump. Spain, Sweden, and Germany follow Mexico, meanwhile Canada has polled at 75% showing no confidence in the US president.

Pew centre

Pew Research Center

Each country polled was asked how much confidence they have in each of three leaders to do the right thing regarding world affairs – a lot of confidence, some confidence, not too much confidence, or no confidence at all. The options for leaders were US Presidents George W. Bush (2002-2008), Barack Obama (2009-2016), Donald Trump (2017).

The poll measured the confidence in US presidents since 2003, and has shown the strongest confidence for former US President Barack Obama.

At the start of his presidency, Canada had 88% confidence in Obama, compared to Trump’s current 22%. The poll also shows the dip in confidence in George W. Bush’s presidency between 2003 and 2007.

Pew centre

Pew Research Center

It may come as no surprise that Mexico tops the no confidence list, especially after the leaked calls between Trump and Mexican President Peña Nieto.

See also