People, cars, and things blocking bike lanes: whose lane is it anyway? (PHOTOS)

Dec 19 2017, 6:33 pm

Whose lane is it anyway? That’s the question being asked by a new Tumblr blog, which features bike lanes being occupied by people, vehicles and objects that should not be there.

To date, most of the blog’s featured photos have been from Carrall Street’s bike lanes, which are clearly identified by the bicycle symbols on the lanes and lamppost signage as separated bike lanes. However, colouring the bike lanes green could make them much more identifiable, making it much more apparent to both motorists and people that they should not be on space designated for bikes.

Instead of being occupied by cyclists, the lanes are seemingly in a free-for-all manner by delivery vehicles, cargo trucks, non-emergency police stoppage, taxis and even pedestrians.

Follow and see ‘Whose lane is it anyway?’ for more photos.

Image: Whose lane is it anyway

Image: Whose lane is it anyway

Image: Whose lane is it anyway

Image: Whose lane is it anyway

Image: Whose lane is it anyway

Image: Whose lane is it anyway

Image: Whose lane is it anyway

Image: Whose lane is it anyway

Image: Whose lane is it anyway

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