Paddle boarding from Nanaimo to Vancouver, for the kids

Dec 19 2017, 11:29 pm

Once again Vancouverites will be challenging the Georgia Strait on behalf of at-risk youths. Will you stand to support them?

Welcome to My Life, Boys 4 Real and That’s Just Me are fun and interactive after-school programs for at-risk grade 7 girls and boys that address the unique challenges facing youth today.

The programs take a positive youth development approach to tackle tough issues like bullying, cyberbullying, crime and other risky behaviours. The programs develop resiliency, promote self-awareness and self-esteem and foster mutual respect between girls and boys. Currently, these programs are running in elementary schools in Vancouver’s South Slope, Surrey and Richmond.

Seven paddle boarders will be paddling from Nanaimo to Vancouver. The journey will take them anywhere between 10 to 14 hours to cover as many as 60 to 70 kilometres while crossing the Strait, on June 6, (subject to change due to wind, weather, tide).

All this so they can raise funds for the YWCA to improve the quality of life for at risk children in our communities.

Want to help the YWCA get it done? Click to donate.

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