Orca swims under kayak near Hornby Island (VIDEOS)

Dec 19 2017, 5:48 pm

B.C. kayaker Louis Jobidon had quite the encounter earlier this month when an orca whale swam under his kayak while he was paddling in Ford Cove at Hornby Island.

February 12, 2014 – “Orca goes under my kayak”

[youtube id=”uIJSiFNmkiA”]

However, this is far from being the enthusiasts’ first orca encounter while kayaking. Another video recorded on January 22, 2014 shows an orca whale coming a little too close for comfort and nearly tipping over his kayak.

January 22, 2014 – “Orca whale almost tips my kayak”

[youtube id=”iY8m4A09jkA”]

Other videos:

[youtube id=”9GL_KA8HZRk”]

[youtube id=”4RL74hux0vg”]

Featured Image: YouTube Screenshot

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