OneLoveRose delivers world's best roses in Vancouver

Dec 19 2017, 8:08 pm

OneLoveRose, an online flower shop based in Vancouver, import their roses from Ecuador, known as one of the world’s best rose producers.

They have a simple “order and deliver” service where free delivery is available (the cut-off for same day is 11 a.m.). Eighteen exotic Queen roses originating from Ecuador will be packed inside a professionally designed box and delivered to your loved one.

The Freedom Rose from Ecuador originates in a volcanic region in the Andes Mountain range, situated at an altitude of more than 3,000 metres above sea level. The high altitude, fertile volcanic soils, and abundant sunshine in the equatorial region create the perfect environment for roses to thrive and bloom throughout the year.


OneLoveRose is ecommerce-only, therefore, carefully select their flower gift boxes, such that every detail is rigorously completed and scrutinized by highly experienced craftsmen. They ensure that their gift boxes will deliver roses in the same condition that they came out of the garden.

OneLoveRose hopes to help their customers make their recipient their final recipient. OneLoveRose wishes to help customers treasure their love and celebrate their special days.

For more information, visit them online at or find them at:

Twitter: @onelove_rose

Order Roses Now

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