Odd Society Spirits Opens For Business

Dec 19 2017, 4:42 pm

Craft breweries move over, it’s time for the craft distilleries to capture the public’s attention. A brand new micro distillery has opened its doors on Powell and Commercial and they’re hoping that the serious interest in craft beer will transfer over to craft spirits.

Odd Society Spirits is dedicated to combining Old World distilling traditions with New World ingredients and ingenuity to create a family of spirits including whiskey, vodka and gin. The small batch distillery isn’t jumping into the game blind either; Founder and Distiller Gordon Glanz holds an MSc in brewing and distilling from Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland. There he experimented with distilling whiskey using raw grains and commercial enzymes before studying under the masters at Springbank distillery in Campbeltown.

They’ve taken that flare for experimentation and respect of tradition to create the Odd Society, which operates alongside Gordon’s wife and partner, Miriam Karp.  And experimentation is definitely the name of the game with unique distilling processes like a 15-foot vodka column that distills and purifies their vodka through multiple plates to produce the crisp East Van Vodka or the use of  a gin basket, which bathes delicate botanicals like flower petals in hot vapours to extract their flavourful oils without destroying them.

All products are fermented and distilled on site, made from 100 per cent B.C. agricultural products and distilled in small batches. While you may not find their wares in B.C. Liquor Stores, they have onsite sales and a tasting room to sample the products. They currently have their East Van Vodka available with a Mongrel unaged whiskey, Creme de cassis and a Wallflower gin to follow.

1725 Powell Street
Vancouver, B.C. V5L 1H6

Tasting Room Hours
Thursday through Sunday
1 p.m.—7 p.m.

East Van Vodka

Photos credited to Odd Society Spirits

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