City of North Vancouver Mayor Darrell Mussatto won't seek re-election in fall

Mar 14 2018, 7:08 am

City of North Vancouver Mayor Darrell Mussatto won’t seek re-election this fall.

Mussato – who has served on council for over two decades – made the announcement in an open letter on the City’s website.

A councillor for 13 years and a mayor for 12, Mussatto calls his time in municipal politics “an incredible experience” and said it was an honour and a privilege to serve the community.

“I feel blessed to have been part of one of the best communities to live in anywhere,” he added.

Darrell Mussatto’s full letter

Today I am announcing that I will not be seeking re-election as Mayor in this October’s municipal election. It has been an honour and a privilege to serve our community for almost 25 years – 13 as Mayor and 12 as Councillor. It has been an incredible experience and I feel blessed to have been part of one of the best communities to live in anywhere.

When I entered politics I wanted to make a difference and to give back to the community. As Mayor my primary goal was to make our community more environmentally sustainable and to leave our city in a better place. Our overall greenhouse gas emissions are significantly reduced and we are on target to become GHG free within a generation. We have made significant change and become a leader in how to build an inclusive and accepting community.

As Mayor I have led Council in a number of initiatives:

  • A new state of the art Library
  • A new Operations Center for City works
  • Fiscal prudence leaving our City debt free
  • Expansion of the award winning Lonsdale Energy Corporation
  • A new home base for North Shore Rescue
  • Completion of the Spirit Trail through the City (June 2018)
  • Completion of the Green Necklace (summer 2018)
  • New Low Level Road and Moodyville redevelopment
  • Led process to implement laneway houses
  • First to legalize secondary suites in duplexes in BC
  • Rejuvenation of Lower Lonsdale and waterfront with new play areas plazas and outdoor ice rink (winter 2018)
  • New Polygon Gallery
  • Funding and construction for a new Museum
  • New artificial turf soccer fields and park redevelopments
  • Affordable Housing for groups like HYAD and YWCA and others
  • New purpose built rental housing
  • Led process to establish the Loutet Farm
  • Groundwork and planning for a new Harry Jerome Recreation Center and Seniors Center
  • A new Civic Center plaza
  • Rejuvenation of our City Town Center.

I am especially proud of the relationship the City has with our two First Nation neighbours. We have great communication and cooperation with both the Squamish and the Tsleil-Waututh First Nations and I am honoured to have worked with them in such a positive way. They both have great leadership and I am confident of a very positive future alongside them.

I am also very proud of my work at Metro Vancouver. I have chaired the Utilities Committee for 7 years and in that time have accomplished a number of initiatives:

  • Completion of the Capilano – Seymour Twin Water Tunnels
  • Completion of the Port Mann water supply Tunnel
  • Upgrades to the Coquitlam Water Treatment Plant
  • Upgrades to the Annacis Wastewater Treatment Facility
  • Planning and construction of a new North Shore Wastewater Treatment Facility
  • Planning for a new water main under Stanley Park
  • Started process for a new Second Narrows Water Supply Tunnel
  • Chaired Northwest Langley Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion project
  • Led the Utilities public outreach for “Wipes” and “Fats, Oils and Grease” removal campaigns
  • Spokesperson for our water use reduction strategies.

It has also been my privilege to serve on numerous boards and committees at both the local and regional ‘levels’.

  • Chair of Police Board
  • Chair of the Finance Committee
  • Member of Translink Mayors Committee
  • Member of Metro Vancouver Regional Planning, Economic Development, Housing, Aboriginal Relations, Intergovernmental Relations, Zero Waste and Mayors Committees among others

I have enjoyed my work in a volunteer capacity as Chair of the Community Energy Association, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping communities and organizations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Throughout it all I have been blessed to work with an amazingly dedicated and talented group of individuals. From our CAO at the City Mr. Ken Tollstam on down our organization has been up to the task and delivered services and solutions for a growing city in an amazing way. We have a very talented and hardworking staff who continually go above and beyond for their city.

Finally, it has been a pleasure to work with a talented group of elected officials. While at times we would disagree we would always be respectful to one another.

I would be remiss if I did not mention my family and friends. Without their help and support I would not be where I am today. My family has been there through it all and continue to support me despite the missed holidays and special family moments. Last but not least my girlfriend Yavanna has been patient and understanding throughout it all and I owe her a great debt.

Now it is time to move on to new challenges and I do so knowing that our City is in good hands and up for the future ahead. It has been a real honour and I feel blessed.


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