Nike Race The World

Dec 19 2017, 11:39 am

The good folks at Nike have chosen Vancouver as one of 25 international cities to host the Nike Race the World 10K run on August 31, 2008. It’s touted as the largest single day race around the world, with an estimated 1,000,000 participants. I know The Schwab is training heavy for this race, cutting his Twinkie consumption in half.


(Poster promoting the race on a VanCity office, pic courtesy: officedweller)

Some of the other notable major cities include New York, Paris, London, LA and Chicago, amongst others. The race is billed as a “twilight race across two city bridges” and has an unusual starting time of 7pm. To register for this event please visit

Note: No other Canadian cities were chosen to participate. Too bad for those fuckfaces in that smog infested dump by the lake.