New "W" Sign at Woodward’s is up *Updated With Lighting Photos*

Dec 19 2017, 12:01 pm

Update: The lighting of the “W” sign atop one of the Woodward’ buildings will take place tonight between 6:05pm and 6:15pm.  The public can go check it out at Woodward’s plaza or you can catch a glimpse where you can from around Vancouver.

The new “W” sign was put in place yesterday and from what I hear it will be fully operational by the end of next week. For those of you have forgotten how the old sign used to look, here is a reminder:

The new sign will not be as visible when coming down Main Street because of all the buildings blocking its view, but it is highly visible from the viaducts entering into the downtown core. Oh and the sign does rotate! And while you’re there check the new spiral staircase sculpture, which I’m being told will also be unveiled tonight.

We have been following this development closely since the beginning as it is a crucial project for the future of the DTES and are excited to see the sign all lit up.

Check out our post “First Look: Woodward’s” for more information and photos of this very significant development.

Here are the photos from last nights “W” sign lighting ceremony. It was definitely a good time with live music, cake and of course lots and lots of people. You could even buy one of the original bricks from the Woodwards building of old for $20. Naturally, I didn’t buy one but, many did.

photo #1 courtesy of LizClaire @ #3 courtesy of Mcminsen at ssp
All photos of the “W” sign lighting ceremony courtesy of Ariane Colenbrander via Flickr

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