New documentary series explores the personal lives of “The Real People of Vancouver”

Dec 19 2017, 8:31 pm

Reality Television is everywhere; there are shows about losing weight, getting tattooed and being a housewife. However what has often been presented as “reality” isn’t always the case, and one local filmmaker is working to change that.

The Real People of Vancouver is a monthly documentary series that explores some of the most unique and underrated people in the City.  The series is the brainchild of Joseph Klymkiw, founder of Joi Productions. “I was sick of TV’s gross misrepresentation of who is “real” in Vancouver,” says Klymkiw. “Real to me is someone who does what they love and keeps doing it. When I walk through this city I see people who live this out daily. They may dress wacky and sound crazy, but they are working and living with passion. They’re not perfect, and they don’t try to be. They are unapologetically real. These are the people who inspire and intrigue me. These are the people of Vancouver, the ones whose stories deserve to be told.”

This video follows a woman named Street Script who posts up hip hop lyrics around Vancouver.

[youtube id=”Ia7VTmlVVuI”]

The Real People of Vancouver will feature the music of local musicians in each episode, the first being Ladyfrnd. (

The series will be released on Vimeo Video On Demand (VOD), and will also be available at The new distribution model Vimeo is offering with VOD allows independent creators like Klymkiw to show the public amazing content quite effortlessly. 

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