New Bell Corporate Logo on Bentall Five

Dec 19 2017, 11:45 am

In a city that lacks mega corporations, its always nice to see corporate logos adorn office buildings. Sure we have a few notable ones, the Scotia Tower, Shaw Tower and a few others, but not as much as I would like to see. In fact most of our buildings have little to no lighting effects on them which is egregious. It would be nice to see more lighting on buildings similar to the Shaw Tower… anyways, that is a topic for another day.

Walking back to the office for the first time in a few weeks (been away for business purposes) I noticed a giant Bell sign sitting outside the Cactus Club at the Bentall Five entrance.

Apparently its been there for a few days and due to the holidays it has yet to go up. Apparently it will be going up some time this week. This will be a nice addition to an already wonderful building.

photo courtesy of Phesto @