My Vancouver 2016: Serial entrepreneur Dario Meli

Dec 20 2017, 3:04 am

Welcome to My Vancouver 2016, a curation of local industry experts, community and thought leaders, each telling us their resolutions for Vancouver in 2016. Since 2008, we’ve been bringing you a bucket list of things to do around the city while also keeping you informed with the many issues in our community. Now, we’re focusing on what’s next: the evolution of our city into something greater, starting with 2016.

What do you do?

Professionally, I run Quietly, a Vancouver based content studio focused on the intersection of data-science and the art of excellent editorial.

When did you come to Vancouver?

I was born in Vancouver in 1975.

What do you love most about Vancouver?

Two things:

1. The amazing creative energy in the city. So many people doing interesting and novel things. From craft candles, to independent magazines, to video arts, painting, film, and gaming. So impressive to see that we can compete globally in many of these areas.

2. Summertime!

If you could make one New Year’s resolution for your industry in Vancouver for 2016, what would it be?

My resolution for the tech industry in Vancouver would be to spend more time connecting, working together, celebrating each others wins, and being focused on growing as a cohesive ecosystem. Group support is critical for the success of any one, any thing, and any idea in general.

See more Vancouverites weighing in with their resolutions for Vancouver in 2016

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My Vancouver 2016 is presented by NYE Vancouver, a new annual tradition beginning on December 31, 2015. This New Year’s Eve, let’s celebrate home.

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