Money J Musings: Nov 9, 2009

Dec 19 2017, 11:56 am

Wow it’s been a busy week for the Buzz crew at Vancouver Fashion Week. Damn, one gets tired checking out all the models.. uhh fashion.

–Speaking of fashion, those Vancouver 2010 Red Mittens are still sold out! Just like the EPIC FAIL with the tickets, Vanoc c’mon you gotta step it up now. It’s crunch time.

–Ever since The Beat has been acquired by our evil brothers from the East, CTVglobemedia, the quality of music has since slipped. The purchase was made two years go, but one can notice their influence slowly slipping into the playlists. The switch of going from the American Top 40 to the Canadian Top whatever was the nail in the coffin. The Beat is plagued by a small selection of mainstream music, repeatedly hammered into our heads until we become sick of it. Some of this may be attributed to the stupid CRTC rule of having to play 35% Canadian music, most of it mediocre at best. I’ve noticed them throwing in some old school Pac and Biggie lately, but it may be too late. I will stick to my trusty CD player.

–I always wonder why BC is always associated with First Nations whenever there is a public event. The latest example is obviously the Olympics, from the Inukshuk logo to numerous ceremonies. First Nations are always at the forefront. I have nothing against this. I just wonder why they don’t play into any other events in North America. I mean, technically, they owned ALL of it, not just BC. I feel they are treated exceptionally well in BC compared to other parts of the world. Let me do some research and I’ll get back to this.

–On a different note, downtown Vancouver looks freakin sweet on a clear night. The Granville strip is finally starting to look like a big-city entertainment district with all them lights. The Robson street trees are lit up and look great.

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