Canadian man who openly shared battle with cancer on Twitter dies at 50

Jan 21 2020, 6:22 am

Mike Sloan, a London, Ontario man who openly shared his cancer battle with over 13,000 Twitter followers has died at 50.

According to The London Free Press, Sloan was diagnosed last spring with anaplastic thyroid cancer and his medically assisted death took place on Monday.

Sloan opened up about his illness on Twitter and drew in thousands of supporters on the social media platform with his “bold honesty.”

On Monday, #RIPMike began trending on Twitter as tributes poured in for Sloan and the legacy he left behind.

Sloan’s longtime friend, Bob Smith, confirmed his death on Twitter on Monday.

Mike Sloan passed peacefully at 1:25pm EST via MAID. He asked me (@bobsmith55) to let you know,” wrote Smith.

“I was with him at the end, holding his hand. He thanks you all for your support on this journey. His last words were, “Tell Chub I love him.”

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