Metro Vancouver Mayors' Council given more authority over TransLink

Dec 19 2017, 6:07 pm

Earlier today, Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Todd Stone introduced legislation that places greater authority for TransLink in the hands of the Mayors’ Council and lays the groundwork for a public, region-wide transportation funding referendum.

“The governance improvements are real change that places more authority in the hands of the Mayors’ Council. With greater authority comes greater accountability, and I am confident the mayors will embrace the opportunities ahead of them,” said Stone.

The Mayors’ Council released a governance review last spring, which said there is more right than wrong with TransLink, but acknowledged that the governance structure needs work.

The Mayors’ Council has asked government for more say over TransLink plans and investments.

The provincial government has now responded with amendments to the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Act. The changes will allow the Mayors’ Council to approve TransLink’s long term strategies, including a 30-year regional transportation strategy and new, fully-funded, 10-year investment plans.

The Mayors’ Council will also assume the responsibilities of the TransLink Commissioner. The council will approve fare increases, decide the sale of major assets, and oversee TransLink’s complaints and customer satisfaction survey processes.

The Mayors’ Council will also oversee executive and board of director remuneration.

In addition, the provincial government will also be adding two provincial appointees to the TransLink board of directors to improve communications between TransLink, the Mayors’ Council and the provincial government. The size of the board will remain unchanged, with 11 members.

Today’s announced changes are the most major amendments to TransLink’s governance since 2007 when the transportation authority was reorganized. The old elected board of regional Mayors and City Councillors was deemed by former Minister of Transportation Kevin Falcon as “dysfunctional” at the time and did not have the professional understanding of directly managing major, multi-billion dollar infrastructural projects. A professional board, based on their skills and expertise, replaced the elected board.

Regional Transportation Funding Referendum

The provincial government is committed to a regional funding referendum before new fees or taxes are used to expand the Metro Vancouver transportation system.

Stone also introduced the new South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Funding Referenda Act, which will enable a referendum to occur during local government elections, thereby keeping the costs of the referendum under control.

The legislation enables government to reimburse local and First Nation governments for the costs of delivering a referendum, and will allow the Mayors’ Council to have direct input into the wording of a referendum question.

The provincial government has also said that a referendum could be held outside of the local government elections as a stand-alone vote, but only if it is held before June 2015.

The Mayors’ Council will determine the timing of a referendum. To help with this decision, Stone has requested that the Mayors’ develop a regional transportation vision by June 30, 2014. This vision would also help Metro Vancouver voters decide what’s best for the future of the regional transportation system.

The provincial government has acted to strengthen the Mayors’ Council role in establishing TransLink’s log-term strategy and plans. In turn, it has asked that the Mayors’ Council define a regional transportation vision with priorities and costs, to work with government as the council considers funding sources and finalizes a referendum question, and to publicly advocate for the success of a referendum that will support the region’s objectives for decades to come.

Featured Image: Canada Line via Shutterstock

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