How Did You Meet? At UBC’s World Student Conference

Dec 20 2017, 3:32 am

Long distance is a deal breaker for so many couples. In an age, both in time and in their lives, when it may be easier to find a more local love affair, 20-year-old Klaryssa and Bijan have decided to go the distance.

While he is completing his undergrad at Yale and she at UBC’s Sauder School of Business in Vancouver, Klaryssa and Bijan share the same commitment to their relationship as they do their education.

How did you two meet?

Him: You’re up!

Her: We both took the IB programs in high school, mine in Vancouver and his in Philadelphia.

Him: In 11th Grade, I came to Vancouver for the World Student Conference at UBC, and on the second to last day of the conference, I met Klaryssa. When we parted ways we never really talked about us being a couple…we just never stopped talking.

What did your parents think of starting a long distance relationship in high school?

Her: Nobody believed us! I think they thought this would just be a summer fling, but now they all support it.

Him: The first year was a bit of a secret, because…

Her: …It was hard to tell my parents that I have a boyfriend in another country!

The couple now

The couple now

We can guess what the hard parts of being in a long distance relationship are, but what are the easiest parts?

Her: Getting to know one another on a more personal level. All we can do sometimes is talk and ask lots of questions.

Him: A lot of questions!

Her: Because we have less time together, it makes it easy to appreciate the time we do have. And we try and do one trip to a neutral zone at least once a year.

Him: We wait four to five months at a time just to be together for a week or two, so there is a big incentive to make every moment count when we’re together. We try to make every day special.

What do you say to those who “don’t get” why you’re doing long distance?

Her: Something is obviously special here and with Bijan taking the next semester off school to look find work here on the West Coast, we can be a little closer.

Him: Klaryssa and I have said that it might have been better if we hadn’t met when we’re so young. But now that we have met, why would we give this up?

If you could take the other on a surprise trip anywhere in the world, where would you take them?

Her answer:

Her Answer

His answer:

His Answer

Interested in telling us how you met your partner? Send us an email and you could be featured on Vancity Buzz!

How Did You Meet

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Megan is an author and columnist for @VancityBuzz. Follow her on Instagram/Twitter @MeganDubs and Snapchat: MeganDubss

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