Preview: “Meet the Makers Expo” will feature interactive workshops with free food and beer samples

Dec 19 2017, 11:22 pm

Building off last year’s popular “Made In Strathcona Tours,” the Strathcona Business Improvement Association is hosting this one-day, one-of-a-kind community event to showcase the makers and innovators of the independent businesses in the Strathcona area.

The Meet the Makers Expo is a celebration of all the local independent businesses in the area. It’s an event where businesses can reveal their unique processes while providing free demos and samples of their products to the public.

We had the chance to talk to four of the businesses that will be demonstrating their processes to the public on June 13.


Image: My Loud Speaker

Image: My Loud Speaker

How many years have you been in Strathcona?

Our company was founded two years ago in Strathcona.

Describe to us what you’ll be demonstrating at the Expo.

Our three wheeled pedal-electric “01” prototype. It’s what we’ve used in the creation of our enclosed VeloCar development slated for completion this fall. Have a ride on the “01” and see why it is so much more than a power assisted cycle. It’s the basis for a whole new urban commuting experience to come to Vancouver in 2016.

Why did you choose to share this?

We think riders will be surprised with the ride experience of our “01”  It’s like no other bicycle or tricycle, and the basis for our enclosed VeloCar designed for use in urban shared networks. We are looking to change the face of urban commuting, and want the public’s feedback on our “01” and our proposed VeloCar sharing service – take our survey, and leave some comments on our comment wall!

Yew Woodshop

Image: My Loud Speaker

Image: My Loud Speaker

How many years have you been in Strathcona?

We have have been at Strathcona now for a little over four years. Originally, we moved into our shop with the “House of Doors” but as we work collectively with a few different businesses, we established ourselves collectively as the Yew WoodShop in 2013.

Describe to us what you’ll be demonstrating at the Expo.

At the Yew WoodShop we tackle all sorts of custom projects, all based around wood. Since our projects are often confined by the types of wood we have on hand (usually reclaimed wood), we will be educating people on the different types of wood that we use, where they come from, and why it is important to our environment to consider those aspects. We’ll also give people the chance to test their building skills with a simple design challenge.

Why did you choose to share this?

It is important to us that we choose local and sustainable materials and building methods for our work. Not only will our choices affect the future of our forests, but the future of our urban environment as well. For example, the more we choose to use reclaimed woods, the less will end up in our landfills.

Friends with Websites

Image: My Loud Speaker

Image: My Loud Speaker

How many years have you been in Strathcona?

Our parent company – Junction Creative – is a Strathcona veteran, having moved into their first Railtown office at the start of 2013. We, however, are brand new! We’ve been operating under the radar for several months and are finally introducing ourselves to the world.

Describe to us what you’ll be demonstrating at the Expo.

Friends with Websites focuses strongly on its customer-first promise of customization, communication, and transparency. To introduce our neighbours to the business and process, we will be creating an interactive website in which participants can share their favourite parts of Strathcona and stories about what the community means to each of them using a live, user-friendly website development interface. As their posts are published, a TV screen will display a live version of the website which will, post-by-post, form and reveal a mosaic-style image. We want everyone to share in the process of building a website while making their mark on the Strathcona community.

Why did you choose to share this?

Our founders are well embedded in the neighbourhood and are on-board with the Strathcona BIA and MakerLabs’ vision of building the community. We believe that this is the most vibrant and interesting neighborhood in Vancouver, and we love anything that helps to share that story.

Savoury Chef

Image: My Loud Speaker

Image: My Loud Speaker

How many years have you been in Strathcona?

Savoury Chef moved into Strathcona in 2013 when the company expanded and purchased another catering company. We love the vibrancy of our new neighbourhood, our amazing kitchen facility here and the close proximity to downtown as well as our clients in the GVA.

Describe to us what you’ll be demonstrating at the Expo.

Together with the guests of the event we will be making Takoyaki. This is a fun and delicious Japanese street food, made in a special cast iron grill that allows for them to be formed into small balls of deliciousness.

Why did you choose to share this?

You can’t stop eating at just one! Takoyaki encompasses much of what makes Savoury Chef amazing. It is a modern take on asian fare using the best of B.C. foods a unique way. It also happens to be super interactive and engaging for our guests. We’re all about creating a memorable experience and this fits the bill.

In addition to these unique interactive workshops, the celebration will include a dialogue facilitated by Bob Rennie, in which key stakeholders and business owners of the area will share their vision on how they plan to revitalize East Hastings.

All Vancouverites are invited to come out to this one-of-a-kind community event:

Meet the Makers Expo

Where: The new MakerLabs in Strathcona at 780 East Cordova

When: Saturday, June 13 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Cost: FREE tickets at


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