Robertson to Canucks: Pay Up!

Dec 19 2017, 1:06 pm

The fact that the riot happened was idiotic. Then the fact that a $200,000 riot report (that told us nothing new and we summarized in 4 points in 5 minutes) was conducted was idiotic. Now to to take it a step further our illustrious Mayor Robertson may ask the Vancouver Canucks to foot the bill for hosting the Stanley Cup final celebrations. That’s taking it to a whole new level of lunacy.

Firstly, the Canucks did not cause the riots, it was caused by drunken morons and may have been pre-planned. Did the police not see the sign’ that read “Riot 2011” in the hands of spectators? Secondly, when planning the event the mayor should have asked the Canucks to pitch in, I’m sure they would have. Why ask them after the fact? Sure the Canucks made close to $40 million during the 2011 playoff run and for them to pay for the cost to hold the celebrations, the cleanup and subsequent riot report, which totaled $2 million would be easy.

Here is the quote from Global BC on Mayor Robertson’s wanting the Canucks to pay up:

“That’s definitely an open discussion and one that we need to have with the Canucks and the league [to] make sure that it’s equitable, that the costs related to big celebrations are borne by everyone who is benefiting,” said Robertson, speaking to reporters Tuesday after the Vancouver Police Board met to discuss the police department’s own internal review into the riot. Robertson sits as chairman of the police board.

“It’s been a difficult conversation in the past and there hasn’t been willingness, but given what’s happened, I’m hopeful that there is some receptiveness with that going forward,” he said.

“I haven’t asked yet. Those are discussions that are going to happen, though.”

Read it on Global News: Global BC | Vancouver mayor may ask Canucks ownership to help pay riot bill

Now as for paying up. Why not first start with the rioters, who I might add haven’t even been charged yet! This despite the fact they’ve been caught in the act thanks to social media and sheer stupidity. Maybe, other municipalities should chip in? Getting them to do so is another as the event, even though it was for the region, took place in Vancouver and getting suburban mayors to pay for anything that doesn’t directly benefit them is damn near impossible.

Perhaps it is time for a regional police force?

I don’t think the Canucks should pay for the bill at all. It’s like the Canucks asking all the bar owners and hotels that saw a surge in business during the playoffs to give them a piece of the action. However, in the end it might be in their best interest to do so. For them it’s pocket change and it would create some good PR for the club.

What I do not want to see happening is the city going back to it’s archaic ways and cancelling all public celebrations altogether because of a few nitwits, who for the most part were not born and raised Vancouverites.

Who do you think should ultimately be responsible for the riot?

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