Mayor Robertson only Canadian mayor at inaugural CityLab

Dec 19 2017, 4:32 pm

Vancouver’s Mayor received an exclusive invitation from New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg to attend a two-day CityLab summit in New York City this week. Robertson will be participating with 300 other “global city leaders to discuss the urban ideas that are shaping global cities.”

Robertson will be the only Canadian mayor in attendance at the summit (cool, right?) Perhaps Rob Ford’s invite got lost in the mail.

According to CityLab’s organizers at The Aspen Institute, The Atlantic Magazine, and Bloomberg Philanthropies topics to be discussed include “economic development, the environment and sustainability, and cultural investment.”

In recognizing the value of the summit, Robertson said: “representing Vancouver at CityLab is a great opportunity to both learn from other cities and share the lessons about Vancouver’s successes.”

Robertson’s attendance at the event follows Vancouver’s recent milestone of issuing more than 1000 laneway house permits in the city.

In addition to the innovative laneway housing initiative, under Robertson and previous Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan, Vancouver has definitely stepped up its game in eco-density. During Mayor Sullivan’s tenure, the now infamous Olympic Village was developed. And although the development lost some steam along the way, it is now a thriving, dense community with awesome local businesses like the Tap and Barrel.

Hopefully Robertson will have the opportunity to share some of Vancouver’s unique successes at CityLab.

Photo Credit: Trevor Jansen

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