Connect with local businesses at Lucky Lady IV

Dec 19 2017, 11:24 pm

Historically a yacht event for the university community, Lucky Lady IV (LLIV) took place during convocation, graduation and the beginning of summer in the city. As the event has grown, LLIV has turned into a three-day event to include job opportunities for emerging young professionals, a fashion show, food fest and live music. With the event now referred to as Vancouver’s Urban Festival by the community, it is sure to be a showcase of fun and excitement.

The festival kicks off with an exclusive networking event, CONNECT “The Network Hub” where young professionals will have the opportunity to meet with industry professionals for a day of cross marketing and to exchange collaborative ideas. The day is geared so local media, businesses and talents can also meet and network with businesses from various industries including communications, finance, design and programming.


Some businesses that you’ll find at CONNECT “The Network Hub” includes:

While networks are being born, local talents will be showcased as well as a surprise artist who is ranked with Kanye West’s Travis Scott. Entertainment throughout the night will include break dancing and tutting by Jason Bempong and Kevin Liu as well as a special performance showcased by KaiSkywalker.

Lucky Lady IV 2015

Day One:
When: Friday, June 19
Where: Metropolitan Hotel – 645 Howe Street, Vancouver
Time: 6 to 9 p.m.

Day Two:
When: Saturday, June 20
Where: 750 Pacific Blvd
Time: 7 p.m. to midnight

Day Three:
When: Sunday, June 21
Where: Malkin Bowl, Stanley Park
Time: 5 to 10:30 p.m.

For full details on Lucky Lady IV, including buying tickets, visit

Vancity Buzz is the proud official media sponsor of Lucky Lady IV

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