Petition created to demand lower gas taxes in BC

May 2 2019, 12:29 am

With Metro Vancouver currently dealing with the highest gas prices in North America, an online public petition has now been launched with the goal of getting the BC government to lower the amount of tax people pay at the pump.

See also

Created by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, the petition takes aim at BC Premier John Horgan, as well as BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson.

The petition states that BC drivers “cannot afford soaring gasoline prices” and that the price of gasoline in BC is high “because the B.C. government keeps increasing taxes on gasoline and diesel and fighting pipeline expansions.”

The petition calls on the BC government to cancel the carbon tax and stop opposing pipelines.

Metro Vancouver gas prices continued to break record throughout the month of April, which also saw another increase in the province’s carbon tax rate – an annual increase that will continue until 2021.

As far as prices over the next few months go, however, people shouldn’t expect any major changes.

“Don’t think that this is just a pressing fad,” Dan McTeague, an analyst with told Daily Hive recently. “We could continue seeing prices remain in the 160.0 cents/litre range as the new normal.”

Not just Vancouver

Vancouver isn’t the only place that has seen a marked increase to pump prices recently. Drivers across all of Canada have seen similar spikes – although to a lesser extent – thanks to the impending gasoline change from winter blend to summer blend.

According to McTeague, the cost of the more expensive summer blend of gasoline will cost drivers more from April until mid-September when requirements ease up.

“The switchover and the accompanying price increase aren’t always easy, but its positive contribution to the environment and health in mitigating ground-level ozone and even preventing engine vapour lock is a real plus,” he added.

– With files from Vincent Plana

Eric ZimmerEric Zimmer

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