Keeping your drink cool and concealed with the Lolo Lid

Dec 20 2017, 1:24 am

For a product to be successful, it needs to fill a gap in the market. And The Lolo Lid is definitely filling a gap.

The product was created by Vancouver’s Jerry McArthur. During a trip downtown, McArthur and his friends were contemplating ways to bring a drink for the road.

“We didn’t want to have to deal with a cup for the rest of the night,” he says. “The original plan was to create a specially made cup that holds a beer, but then we thought ‘why don’t we make a lid?'”

So was born the Lolo Lid. The product attaches to the rim of a typical aluminum can, allowing it to be slipped into a run-of-the-mill coffee cup. McArthur says while people have voiced concerns over the potential for public drinking, the real point of the product is to provide a comfortable, efficient beer koozie.

“I see people saying that it’s just for public drinking, or for people who can’t go without a drink every few hours,” he says. “It’s being marketed as a way of keeping your drink cool, which it does. It surrounds it with air, which is a great insulator. It’s also a lot nicer to drink out of than drinking out of a metal container.”

A Kickstarter campaign to fund the creation of a foam injection mold has already raised $41,800 at the time of this writing, several thousand more than it’s original goal.

McArthuer says that the interest in the product is very encouraging, and he hopes people will see it as it is: a fun novelty product, and a great way to enjoy a cold drink.

“There’s other containers out there you can keep a can cold in, but as far as I can tell there’s nothing else like this,” he says.


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