Liberal Policies Leading to Economic Prosperity

Dec 19 2017, 11:39 am

I’d like to make my debut by hailing the Liberal government with their pro-economic policies.

Firstly, the introduction of the carbon-tax is a consumption tax which reduces use of energy. The money is paid back through income tax cuts. This money is usually put back into the economy via savings, investment or consumption. Citizens are forced to be more environmentally friendly without hurting the economy. Also, improved health as a result of better air quality results in increased productivity. Asshats of the NDP obviously don’t have any economists as consultants.

Secondly, tolling of a bridge to replace the Pattullo is another form of a consumption-tax. Only the users of the bridge pay for the construction. It’s fair because the rest of BC is excused from paying for it with their hard-earned tax dollars. Furthermore, the Skytrain network is solid in that area so there really is no excuse to not drive… if you can survive the Gotham City like grunge of Whalley’s skytrain stations of course. Tolls have worked in the US in places such as New York and San Francisco.

Finally, Moody’s Investors Service, one of the largest credit rating agencies in the world, upgraded BC to AAA a couple of years ago, the highest possible rating. The Liberal government was forced to be extremely prudent in their initial term to undue the mess the NDP had left behind (*cough* Fast Ferries). Remember all the unnecessary protests by unions back in the day even though workers were the highest paid in Canada? I felt like kicking that union leader down a flight of stairs… Anyway, BC is saving a lot of money from paying less interest and has a more prosperous future as a result. See more.

For the NDP to disagree with the decisions the Liberals have made, I agree with the rest of Vancity Buzz, Carole James truly is an asshat.

This concludes Vancity Maverick’s first set of ramblings.