Late Night Thought: Vancouver For Sale

Dec 19 2017, 1:07 pm

Everyday you hear complaints that this city has sold out to developers. However, I ask you this, what do you expect from a city that is adding 6 to 10,000 people every year to do? All these people have to live somewhere and we can’t keep cramming them in illegal basement suites littered all over East Vancouver. People want to live here. For those of you who like to reminisce about the golden age of Vancouver, go ahead because it isn’t coming back. Someone has to build these units and it ain’t the hipsters in East Van that are gonna do it.

Don’t get me wrong I don’t want my city to become a place for just the well off. Despite what a few hipster bloggers will say that is the last thing I want. That being said, I think all neighbourhoods can add more density and still retain their  character. Just look at the renaissance going on in Gastown and Chinatown these days. If done right the revitalization and revisioning of an area can enhance the life of everyone involved. I believe the key to this would be mixed used developments similar to Woodward’s and people willing to invest in the neighbourhood.


Image: @Suitoflights

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