Large Richmond waterfront development is underway

Dec 19 2017, 2:05 pm

Billed as Richmond’s best riverfront value (with condo’s starting at $200,000), Parc Riviera is a master planned riverfront community that will include 5 acres of park space, daycare, clubhouse and restaurants sprawled over 20 acres of what was once industrial land along the Fraser River.

Phase One has just started construction and will feature 388 condo units, 67 affordable units, 426 sq m ofr restaurant & 541 sq m office space. The entire scope: 60,000 m², 26 structures totalling 1026 units and parking for 1700 cars.

The development is located closed to the Canada line and will stare directly at the sold out Marine Gateway project at Marine and Cambie in Vancouver. Although it’s near transit there is still need for an improvement to get people to and from the rapid transit station. This is something that Richmond will have to implement once the dense communities around the Fraser River are built out. This is also close to the “Entertainment Zone” proposed for the area.

Here are some renders of the project:


Buzz tip: Office Dweller at
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