Langara Display+Design "InHouse" Gradshow

Dec 19 2017, 11:49 am


On April 21th 2009 the Langara Display+Design class will open the doors to their “InHouse” grad show. This program focuses on Interior, 3D, and Graphic design, so the show is bound to be imaginative, inspiring and creative. Come check out Vancouver’s newest collection of fabulous young designers!

How to Design Economic Fortune

What is the Display+Design program and what kind of design do we learn? Well, it covers everything from graphic, interior, 3D, display design, lighting, floral, packaging, and event design, to keep it short.. .with an emphasis on visual merchandising.

Visual merchandising is the art of presenting your products in a way that convinces customers to buy what you have to offer. The science behind visual merchandising refers to many factors such as consumer behavior, the effect of colors and textures, demographics, packaging, product value and overall ambience.

Visual merchandising should engage all the senses, create interest and persuade you look a little closer, for a little longer. It is everything that you see and experience when you walk up to and enter a store. And, store experience has become an essential companion to the product
You present to your customers. Offering them a full-store experience ensures that you will increase your business and encourage customers to return again and again.

With the economy slugging along, and retail struggling to maintain, it has become clear that good design and visual merchandising is a key way to differentiate your business and boost sales. It is a well-known fact that stores with good window displays attract more walk by traffic and generate greater sales. Well thought-out layouts and in-store displays are imperative to generating additional sales.

Displays that inspire and grab attention create interest, and affect how potential and current customers view the store. It is becoming more and more import to compete and stay current and on top of trends…even better, to set the trends. It’s survival of the fittest, and the fittest were designed just so!

Show runs April 21-May1st weekdays 10-4pm
Langara College: 100 w.49th ave. Vancouver

Studio A101

For more info please contact [email protected]

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