Kraft Dinner to remove artificial colouring by 2016

Dec 19 2017, 10:53 pm

Iconic Canadian food staple Kraft Dinner will be eliminating all artificial colouring from its macaroni and cheese product by 2016.

“Since 1937, Kraft Dinner macaroni and cheese has been part of Canadians’ lives, bringing smiles and offering Canadians simple, affordable meals,” says Kraft Food in a statement on their website.

“While Kraft Dinner Original already has no artificial flavours and preservatives, by the end of 2016, our plan is to remove artificial colours from Kraft Dinner Original.”


The company will use a blend of spices including Paprika, Anatto and Tumeric to maintain the pasta’s orange colour, but they insist the taste will be the same.

“All of the ingredients must work together to deliver the distinctive taste, appearance and texture consumers expect and love.”

Kraft has already removed artificial colouring from their European products.


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