With Kitsilano Pool closed, how do Vancouver's other outdoor pools stack up?

Aug 5 2024, 2:00 pm

Vancouver is heading into the second long weekend of the summer with the iconic Kitsilano Pool closed to the public.

The popular destination on a sunny day isn’t Vancouver’s only oceanfront public pool, though. Second Beach Pool in Stanley Park also offers public swimming right on the ocean, and New Brighton offers mountain views along with a refreshing dip.

Hillcrest and Maple Grove are smaller outdoor pools catering to folks living in South Vancouver, too.

Could these spots fill the void that Kitsilano Pool’s closure left?


second beach pool historic ocean

An aerial view of Second Beach Pool in the 1930s (Royal Canadian Airforce/Vancouver Archives)

All three of Vancouver’s statement waterfront outdoor pools were first built in the 1930s — Kitsilano, Second Beach, and New Brighton all completed within years of each other.

Second Beach Pool looked different than it does now, taking swimmers even closer to the ocean before its redesign.

kitsilano pool 1940s

Kitsilano Pool in the 1940s. (Jack Linsday/VancouverArchives)

At the time of Kitsilano Pool’s completion, it was the largest outdoor pool in Canada. The pools used to be filled with seawater. They’d fill up at high tide and hold the water for swimmers while the ocean retreated.

How big?

kitsilano pool kits vancouver july 28 2024

Kitsilano Pool refilled on July 28, 2024, following interim repairs. (Kenneth Chan/Daily Hive)

Kitsilano Pool is well known for its huge size. It’s 137 metres long — nearly triple the length of an Olympic-sized pool.

Second Beach pool is smaller, at 80 metres in length. Still, it’s big enough to have a separate area for lane swimmers, a beach area to wade in, and multiple waterslides.

New Brighton is the smallest of the three oceanfront pools at 55 metres in length.

The outdoor pool at Hillcrest Aquatic Centre is 25 metres in length, and Maple Grove is the smallest. It’s geared toward families with a maximum depth of just over a metre.

Salt or chlorine?

Second Beach pool

Daily Hive

Kitsilano remains a saltwater pool to this day, though the water no longer comes straight from the ocean.

All the other outdoor pools contain fresh water treated with chlorine to keep things clean.

Location, location, location

An aerial view of Kitsilano Pool from 1945 (Royal Canadian Airforce/Vancouver) Archives

Kitsilano Pool is a favourite for many reasons. It’s right on a bus route, there’s a parking lot for drivers, and Kitsilano isn’t too far from many neighbourhoods in the heart of Vancouver.

Second Beach Pool is a bit more of a walk from the closest bus stop in Stanley Park, and drivers may have to meander through the park’s one-way roads before finding a spot on the west side where the pool is. It’s certainly a gorgeous journey along the seawall though.

New Brighton is right at the eastern edge of the city and is perfect for those in the Sunrise neighbourhood.

Hillcrest may be the most convenient as it’s only a few blocks from King Edward Station on the Canada Line.

As for Maple Grove, it’s down in Kerrisdale and best accessed by buses off 49th Avenue.

The verdict

Each of Vancouver’s outdoor pools has something great to offer, and your favourite may simply be the one that’s closest to you.

Losing Kitsilano Pool this summer after persistent leak issues following storm damage has been a blow to the city. Nothing beats the view atop the pool of the saltwater oasis with the ocean, downtown, and North Shore mountains in the background.

The good news? Kitsilano Pool is being refilled over the long weekend, and Mayor Ken Sim promises it will open on August 7.

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