Kind Vancouverite helps drunk girl but is looking to get his jacket back

Dec 19 2017, 8:28 pm

The kindness of strangers is a rare sight these days as many tend to ignore and look the other way. However, a few Vancouverites were kind enough to take care of (and save her from a potentially dangerous situation) a woman that was clearly intoxicated.

A jacket was lent and a girl who finally came to her senses got up and left. She probably didn’t remember much or didn’t want to bother the people that took care of her and unintentionally left with a red fur-lined leather jacket. A jacket that has very sentimental value to the owner.

The owner has posted on Craigslist in hopes that the jacket will be reunited with its rightful owner.

Here is the Craigslist ad:

Drunk girl at bus stop in front of Tim Hortons, who slept on my couch – m4w (Commercial Drive)

You were the girl who was passed out at a bus stop at East 1st & Commercial around 2am, Sunday 19th morning.

As a male, I am usually very cautious to offer help in such situations. Fortunately I was with two female friends, so they were able to check in with you to see how we could help. I lent you my big red fur-lined leather jacket & went to get water for you. When I got back, you were getting into a stranger’s car who was offering to give you a ride home. He may have just been a Good Samaritan but we were very concerned for your safety, especially since you weren’t coherent. So a couple of us got into the back seat of this stranger’s car and insisted that we went along to wherever he was offering to take you. When he refused to take us as well, we convinced you not to leave with him.

I live around the corner, so I offered to let you sleep on the couch at my apartment. You passed out on my couch, still wearing my jacket. You were gone early in the morning and must not have realized that you were still wearing it.

I would love to get my jacket back (affectionately called “The Beast”). It is worth much more to me than it would be to you. When I downsized all my possessions to only two suitcases a few years ago, it was one of the few things I made sure to keep. I have travelled to over 40 countries with it so it has enormous sentimental value.

Btw if you actually need a winter coat, I can get you another one. I’m in between jobs at the moment, so I don’t have much money to spend but I’m still willing to help.

Dear drunk girl, if you’re reading this, reply to the ad.


Feature Image: Girl on bench via shutterstock

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