Kevin Falcon Set to Unveil Surrey and Possibly UBC Skytrain Extension

Dec 19 2017, 11:45 am

No one knows for sure what the exact announcement will be tomorrow. Early reports indicate an extension of the Expo line from King George to Guildford will be announced tomorrow by Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon. This was originally slated for completion by 2020, however it seems it will be bumped up the list.

There is further speculation that the proposed Millennium line extension to UBC will also be announced. This line will go down the Broadway corridor.

Could this be part of the Liberals plan to keep the construction workers employed during the economic slowdown? We’ll just have to wait and see tomorrow as to the specifics of the announcement. All I can say is its about time these routes get built. Go Falcon Go!

However, this brings up two questions. First, the age old debate of light rail vs. Sky Train, which is better? Secondly, what about the Evergreen Line?

UPDATE: Today’s announcement was the worst announcement EVER! We’re doing a study, so what, haven’t you done enough studies already?

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