Jochen Miller Show Review - BLVD22 (Jan 20, 2012)

Dec 19 2017, 1:21 pm

Last night I saw Jochen Miller at BLVD22 for the 2nd time in 5 months and he was just as brilliant as the first time. I was really surprised and a little disappointed at how few people came out to see this world class DJ perform, but it did mean there was plenty of room to dance without getting in anyone’s way.

He played a 2.5 hour set and from the very first track he energized the club. His set started out with a lot of house and some electro-house, and he even dropped ‘Antidote’ (Swedish House Mafia vs Knifeparty) which really got everyone going wild! In the second half of his set he moved on to all of his major hits including Brace Yourself, Classified, Rotunda and Lost Connection.

Played in between were the top trance songs of the last year. Highlights include Sun and Moon, Love is Darkness, Viking, Be Your Sound, and Find Yourself. Jochen is one of the best live performers I’ve seen because he has such a great time playing and his energy makes the show that much better. It was an exhausting show because of the high-energy he maintained throughout but I couldn’t have asked for anything more.

He even stuck around afterwards to take pictures, sign autographs and talk with the crowd up until they made everyone leave. I know I will never miss a chance to see him perform live because he is an amazing DJ who clearly loves what he is doing. I gotta give this one a 9 out of 10 because he played everything I wanted to hear and more, I just hope that next time he comes to Vancouver he gets the attention he deserves with a bigger crowd.

Via @JordyTait at Cascadia Records | Jochen Miller Show Review

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