Interview with Madchild

Dec 19 2017, 3:05 pm

The landscape in Canada is very diverse. We have mountains, TWO oceans, great lakes, mediocre lakes, rivers, glaciers…prairies. The hip hop landscape in Canada is just as diverse. One thing that only a few artists have been able to accomplish, is staying power. One of those artists is British Columbia’s own Mad Child.

After bursting onto the scene back in the early 90s as a member of Swollen Members, Mad Child has gone through some changes in his life. Some changes have been musically, he just wrapped his first solo headlining tour. While other changes were on a more personal level, two years sober AND counting.

I had the pleasure of talking t Mad Child before his final show on the Dope Sick Tour at The Commodore Ballroom. We touched on those changes, and also poke a little fun at a certain local white rapper.


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