3 ways to improve indoor air quality that actually work

Nov 17 2022, 4:45 pm

According to a 2021 study commissioned by Canue, 86% of Canadians live in areas where air pollution exceeds guidelines set by the World Health Organization. Poor air quality has been linked to a range of health problems and diseases, like stroke, heart disease and lung cancer, as well as respiratory illnesses such as asthma.

Over the past several years, many Canadians have become accustomed to spending more time at home — and while we continue to do so, it’s important we know that our indoor air is clean and, more importantly, safe for ourselves and our families.

That’s why we’ve teamed up with Shark, a house-care brand offering cleaning solutions that help alleviate the stresses of maintaining a healthy household, to create a list of ways to improve air quality in your home.

Ventilate your home


Keeping air flowing through your space is one of the simplest ways to improve its air quality. Just like you, your home needs to breathe and, while it may seem obvious, opening windows and doors (when the weather allows) to get some outdoor air to flow through is the most effective way to do so. This is especially important when using cleaning products, varnish, paint, or other common household pollutants.

In addition to reducing the number of indoor air pollutants, efficient ventilation also helps to prevent the build-up of indoor moisture, removes stale indoor air, and replaces it with fresh air.

Keep an eye on dampness

Liliana Drew/Pexels

Dampness in indoor spaces can lead to many health hazards, like encouraging the growth of mould. Exposure to damp conditions can cause symptoms like coughing, wheezing, stuffy nose, and itchy eyes — people who suffer from asthma may face even more intense reactions.

Simple ways to help eliminate dampness include turning on an extractor fan while cooking or showering, drying laundry outdoors rather than hanging it indoors, and ensuring your home is properly insulated in order to keep the heat in and avoid cold surfaces.

Invest in a quality air purifier

One of the most effective ways of improving air quality at home is through the use of an air purifying system. Air purifiers reduce levels of air contaminants, by utilizing a filter and fan to pull in unwanted particles from the air and circulate purified air back into the room. 

While there are many air purifiers to choose from, opting for one with a high-efficiency particulate absorbing filter (HEPA) will allow you to breathe easy by capturing 99.97% of airborne particles — while, in turn, actively reducing the risk of potential health issues that air contaminants can cause.

Shark has recently launched its brand-new, one-of-a-kind air purifier — the Shark Air Purifier MAX 3-in-1, which cleans air in up to a 1,000-sq-ft space. This product is one of the only air purifiers on the market that offers heating and cooling functionalities, making for year-round clean air and convenient temperature control — truly providing an air-purification system like no other.

The machine features innovative and intelligent functions, such as real-time air quality reports that take the guesswork out of purification. By automatically tracking and improving air quality with its Clean Sense IQ, the purifier auto-adjusts power to maintain clean air throughout the day. The best part? Its ultra-powerful fan does this quietly, meaning you won’t even notice it’s in the room.

For more information about the Shark Air Purifier MAX 3-in-1, or to browse other air purification systems, click here.

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