How to fulfill your fitness resolution in 2015

Dec 19 2017, 9:11 pm

Fitness: a key to good health, both to the physical body and the mind. Fitness goals also seem to be a common goal or resolution that many have come the new year. Wanting to exercise more and to be toned and fit before the summer hits can be a great motivation to start off the year.

The first day of the new year called for vigorous diets, early morning runs and early visits to the gym, with that burning fire to start off your resolution for 2015. Then comes the question, how long will this last?

Here are some of my personal tips and tricks to maintain that fire to keep your New Year’s Resolution, especially when it comes to fitness goals!

1. Start with small steps

Working with small steps seem to make big goals easier for the mind to comprehend and hence, easier for you to accomplish it.

2. Write down your goals and stick it somewhere you will see it daily

It primes your mind to be prepared and to remember what your goals are when you can visually notice it day by day. You could write it on mini post-it notes and stick it in places that you know you’d look at every morning. For example; the washroom mirror!

3. Set a gym music playlist

I got this idea from hours of listening to playlists on Songza and 8tracks and there’s something about hand crafting a line up of songs that can lift your mood and get you pumped up to lift some weights. Some of my favourite workout tunes involve a lil’ bit of Britney and Avicii.

4. Get a personal trainer

This is appealing to those of you, who are like me, who need someone to keep accountable to and to get that extra push.

If you’re looking for one, Vesna Bliss Personal Training and Yoga is now offering a special Holiday Package of $50 for each individual session (for up to 10 sessions) – and you can get this deal till January 31. You can also customize your own package and combine any of her other services including yoga, thai massage, reiki and other treatments.

5. Set a morning/evening routine

Having some sort of routine helps set your body and mind to get used to  exercising every day. Vancouver can be a busy busy place for a lot and some of us don’t have the time to invest in going to the gym, or are usually to tired to make that trip.

Watch this video for some easy to do exercise moves that you can do at home! Courtesy of Vesna Bliss.

6. Follow motivational fitness trainers on social media

If you are a social media addict, and find yourself waking up and falling asleep to Instagram feeds, this might be a good way to start off your day feeling motivated. Fitness lovers or personal trainers post inspirational quotes on Instagram frequently.

You can read more about my personal experience working with Vesna on Obsessive Trend Invitation. You can also follow Vesna on Facebook for inspirational posts and exercise/yoga videos or on her Instagram @missvesnabliss. To read more on her practice and the services that she provides, be sure to head to her website at

Videography and Photos by Isaac Sim