Homeless women found under burning shopping carts in Downtown Eastside

Dec 20 2017, 2:56 am

The Vancouver Police say two women were found under burning shopping carts by three police officers early Friday morning on the Downtown Eastside.

At around 7 a.m. the officers noticed black smoke rising on Columbia and East Hastings Streets. People could be heard shouting “fire” as the officers ran over to investigate.

Shopping carts full of personal belongings with tarps were stacked against a building and were on fire. When officers lifted the tarps, they were shocked to find the women underneath, one of whom was wrapped in a blanket that was on fire. One officer ripped off the blanket while the other pulled the burning tarps and property away.

The two women were pulled uninjured from the fire and officers extinguished the flames.

Police are unsure if the fire was intentionally set or if it was accidental, but will be reviewing footage in the area as part of their investigation.

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