Hawkers Market and The East Side Flea announce their first collaboration with #goldenticket for May 10 markets

Dec 19 2017, 6:28 pm

Vancouver’s newest mash up has East Side Flea and Hawkers Market collaborating on a market hop experience that allows guests to check out both markets and put their finger on the pulse of emerging entrepreneurship in YVR.

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This will be the first team up project from Hawkers and East Side Flea, by getting the #goldenticket you are encouraging and helping to invigorate local Vancouver entrepreneurship from makers, artisans, chefs, home cooks. People who are pursuing a dream and just getting started and using these markets as a launchpad.

Need to feel inspired for the summer, this is the weekend to check out to kick it all off with some big ideas from ridiculously creative folk at the markets.

Come meet the people in our city who make Vancouver a vibrant and dynamic place and you never know you might just make that new special friend for Summer which apparently has arrived yesterday in full swing.

Get your tickets at hwkrsmrkt.eventbrite.ca or hawkersmarket.com

Both markets go down on May 10 with East Side Flea from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at The Wise Hall and Hawkers Market at 6 p.m. until as late as you wanna party at 1480 Frances Street in their new warehouse, food trucks and 33 Acres Brewing plus live music and triple DJ sets and a whole lot of food!


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