Hate Crimes in Vancouver

Dec 19 2017, 11:41 am

With all the news focus on Vancouver’s West End these past few weeks about the alleged gay bashing that took place a few weeks ago, I thought I’d bring up a point via video clip from South Park. Hate crimes, don’t all assaults and crimes stem from hate?

Now I am not condoning the actions of the accused. Nobody deserves to get beaten down. However, do we really know what happened? Who started it? I don’t know, but resident blogger Skeets brought up a good point that we do not know what happened before the attack. My take is that too many people rushed to judge this individual, myself included. So let’s wait til the verdict and not the court of public opinion, which is usually shaped by the savages in the media.

People in society are too quick to point fingers and lay blame. That in itself is a symptom of the society that we live in. Let the courts decide and if convicted than he shall get what he deserves.