Harper & Campbell Announce Evergreen Line Funding

Dec 19 2017, 11:47 am

Finally, it is now official the Evergreen Line finally has the funding in place and will commence construction soon. A projected 8000 direct and indirect jobs during construction. The price tag is pegged at $1.4 billion.
Now I know many of you will say that this line should have been built many moons ago. However, I disagree with those individuals (NDP lovers) as Gordon Campbell and the Liberals built an even more crucial transportation line known as the Canada Line.For years Richmond had been neglected when it came to public transit. The Canada Line will jump start an improved transit network. Further, Richmond has done well to densify its core, especially along the majority of the new stations. Afterall, some 200,000 people live in Richmond. This is something I hope Vancouver will eventually get around to doing as well (Marine Drive is primed for density).

Go Gordo Go!

source: Vancouver Sun