Happy 124th Birthday Vancity!

Dec 19 2017, 12:17 pm

    Image: Etherealwings09 via Flickr
On this day in 1886 the city of Vancouver was incorporated and today its celebrating it’s 124th birthday. A 124 years may seem like a long time but it is not for a city, on the worlds stage it is a relatively young city. Yet, in its short history it has managed to accomplished quite a bit, from hosting the most successful Winter Olympics ever to receiving numerous accolades for its livability and urban planning. As a born and raised Vancouverite (which is quite rare) it will always be the city I choose to reside in and never will you see me leave for the suburbs. Vancouver I salute you.

Here are some interesting tidbits about Vancouver

  • At 5,335 people per km2 (13,817.6 people per mi2) in 2006, Vancouver is the third most densely populated large city in North America after New York City and San Francisco. The West End is the most or second most dense neighbourhood in North America.
  • Our urban planning is know worldwide as Vancouverism. So successful a neighbourhood in San Francisco is called “Vancouvertown” because it emulates our building style.
  • Vancouver is the second most popular destination for immigrants in Canada (after Toronto)
  • Vancouver is third in Hollywood productions in North America
  • The city produced a number of notable punk rock bands, including the pioneering hardcore band D.O.A. 
  • Vancouver had the 6th most overpriced real estate market in the world and was second highest in North America after Los Angeles in 2007
  • The Millionaires/Maroons succeeded as PCHA champions six times (1915, 1918, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924) and won the Stanley Cup once, in 1915, against the Ottawa Senators of the NHA.

– source: Wikipedia

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