Grouse Mountain Wind Turbine Photo

Dec 19 2017, 11:52 am

Yesterday was the first time I saw the wind turbine, perched atop Grouse Mountain, it was clearly visible from East Van. Apparently the turbine will generate 1/4 of the power needed to operate the ski hill. I guess you know what that means, 3 more will be coming to a mountain top near your North Vancouver NIMBY’s. It really wasn’t much of an eyesore if you ask me, so I say let’s build three more.
I thought it was quite cool and it looks like it will have an observation deck at the top. Perhaps that pod like structure is just there for maintenance purposes, however wouldn’t it be cool to have an observation deck. I envision you could charge eco tourists $10 bucks and recover the cost of the turbine in no time. Ha.

There are a bunch more photos on the Grouse Mountain flickr set.