Grizzly bear supermom and cubs captured in rare precious moments (VIDEOS)

Dec 19 2017, 8:27 pm

When it comes to filming grizzly bears close-up, it is best to stay far away and let your camera do all the work… or at least the most dangerous part.

Local wildlife filmmaker and photographer John Kitchin has captured some stunning footage as part of his Ph.D work. The video footage was recently captured near Glendale Cove at Knight Inlet in southern British Columbia.

A grizzly bear supermom and her four cubs pass are unknowingly filmed after they triggered a hidden camera’s remote sensors.


A grizzly bear decided to steal Kitchin’s GoPro camera and chewed it (a.k.a. the view you’d get while being eaten alive).
[youtube id=”dbBfB_78vJ4″]

The GoPro camera survives a kick from a grizzly bear cub.
[youtube id=”2cMwle0amA4″]

This young grizzly bear made an attempt to sink a boat at Knight Inlet Lodge. This was filmed a safe distance away from a tree stand.
[youtube id=”MDl2ODbFM_E”]


Feature Image: YouTube screencap via John Kitchin

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